Thông báo tài liệu mới số 07/2020
12/11/20 03:59PM
Tài liệu ngoại văn trực tuyến
Following are some recent publications of ILRI East and Southeast Asia. To see the full list, please visit our webpage at

•   Hu, S. L., Vu, D. T., Dang, D. A., Tran, N. D., Mihye, L., Grace, D. and Nguyen-Viet, H. 2018. Geographical and temporal patterns of rabies post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) incidence in humans in the Mekong River Delta and Southeast Central Coast regions in Vietnam from 2005 to 2015. PLOS ONE 13(4): e0194943.

•   Lam, S., Giang, P. and Nguyen-Viet, H. 2018. Emerging health risks from agricultural intensification in Southeast Asia: A systematic review. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health.

•   Lie, H., Rich, K. M., van der Hoek, R. and Dizyee, K. 2018. Quantifying and evaluating policy options for inclusive dairy value chain development in Nicaragua: A system dynamics approach. Agricultural Systems 164,193-222.

•   Yahui, G, Mathieu, G., Xiangdong, D., Hao, Z., Yachun, W., Xi, W., MD Omar, F., Junya, L., Shaohui Y., Xiao, G., Jian-Lin, H, Johannes A. L. and Yi Z. 2017. Species composition and environmental adaptation of indigenous Chinese cattle. Scientific Reports, 7, 16196. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-16438-7.

•   Chauhan, A.S., George, M.S., Chatterjee, P., Lindahl, J., Grace, D. and Kakkar, M. The social biography of antibiotic use in smallholder dairy farms in India. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 7, 60, 2018.

•   Unger, F., Nguyen-Viet,  H., Grace, D., Pham Van, H., Nguyen, D. N., Nguyen, T. T. H., Pham Duc P., Tran Thi T., Hanh, D. X. S. and Tran Thi N. 2018. Food safety in the smallholder pig value chain in Vietnam: Understanding complexities and adjusting policies. ILRI Policy Brief 24. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI