Khí hậu bất công: Đo lường tác động của biến đổi khí hậu đối với người nghèo nông thôn, phụ nữ và thanh niên=The unjust climate: Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth
18/06/24 08:23AM
FAO. 2024. The unjust climate – Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth. Rome.
This report provides, for the first time, concrete evidence from 24 countries on the magnitude of the challenge posed by the climate crisis for rural people in socially and economically vulnerable positions due to their wealth status, gender, and age. It demonstrates clearly that extreme weather events and long-run climate change are disproportionately affecting the incomes of rural people living in poverty, women, and older populations. As a result, climate change is widening even further existing income gaps in rural areas, pushing vulnerable people towards maladaptive coping strategies and ultimately making it harder for these groups to escape cycles of poverty and hunger.
The report shows that the magnitude of the challenge posed by climate change for vulnerable rural people is staggering. For example, in low and middle income countries floods widen the gap in incomes between poor and non-poor households by more than 4%, amounting to a reduction compared to non-poor households of $18 per capita or $21 billion a year in aggregate across all low and middle income countries
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