The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2024=Hiện trạng Thị trường Hàng hóa Nông sản 2024
20/12/24 03:09PM
FAO. 2024. The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2024-Trade and nutrition: Policy coherence for healthy diets. Rome.
The 2024 edition of The State of Agricultural
Commodity Markets (SOCO) explores the intricate
linkages between food trade, diets and nutrition.
Trade can affect diets and nutrition through many
channels and its effects can be heterogeneous
as, by its very nature, trade is intertwined with
economic growth, demographic shifts and societal
interactions. The report provides comprehensive
evidence of how trade affects supply and price,
two essential elements of the food environment,
which, in turn, can influence dietary patterns and
contribute to nutritional outcomes.
Part 1, econometric modelling exercises were undertaken to assess the long-term relationship between
gross domestic product (GDP) growth and nutrition transition, and whether dietary patterns converged
between countries at different levels of development. A literature review on the role of Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI), local food industries and nutrition was commissioned to support the writing of
the chapter.
Part 2, analytical work was commissioned to assess the evolution of international food trade in terms of
nutrient flows and examine the potential relationship between trade openness and nutritional outcomes.
Part 3, technical work was commissioned to calculate food diversity indicators and nutrient gaps, and
econometric models were developed to identify the relationships among food diversity, nutrient gaps and
the role of trade. Analytical work was also commissioned to quantify implicit nutrient prices and their
association with trade. Analysis was undertaken to assess the relationship between trade openness and the
cost and affordability of a healthy diet.
Part 4, technical work was commissioned to apply an import demand gravity model to estimate the
impact of regional trade agreements on food trade and assess whether trade agreement provisions affected
different types of foods differently.
Part 5, an external expert produced a critical review of trade policies and nutrition measures with an
analysis of the policy space available to pursue nutritional goals.
The manuscript was reviewed extensively by both internal and external experts who provided substantive
comments and advice on the analysis of the report. The report was reviewed and discussed by the
management team of the FAO Economic and Social Development stream in June 2024.