Thông báo tài liệu mới số 04/2021
24/05/21 02:25PM
Giới thiệu các tài liệu ngoại văn dưới dạng điện tử đang có tại thư viện

1. Horticultural plant breeding. / Orton, Thomas. - USA: Elsevier, 2019. - 413 p.

Tóm tắt: The book is a complete and comprehensive resource for the development of new cultivars or clones of horticultural crops. It covers the basic theories that underpin plant breeding and applies Mendelian, quantitative and population inheritance practices in smaller populations where the individual plant has high value. Specific traditional breeding methods are also covered, with an emphasis on how these methods are adapted for horticultural species. In addition, the integration of biotechnologies with traditional breeding methodologies is explored, with an emphasis on specific applications for fruits, vegetables and ornamental crop species. Presented in focused sections, Horticultural Plant Breeding addresses historical perspectives and context, and genetics as a critical foundation of plant breeding. It highlights treatments of the various components of breeding programs, such as breeding objectives, germplasm, population engineering, mating systems, enhanced selection methods, established breeding methods applicable to inbreeding and outcrossing situations, and post-breeding activities.

2. Insect metamorphosis: From natural history to regulation of development and evolution. / Belles, Xavier. - USA: Elsevier, 2020. - 294 p.

Tóm tắt: The book discusses insect metamorphosis as a key innovation in insect evolution. With most of the present biodiversity on Earth composed of metamorphosing insects―approximately 1 million species currently described, with another 10-30 million still waiting to be discovered, the book delves into misconceptions and past treatments. In addition, the topic of integrating insect metamorphosis into the theory of evolution by natural selection as noted by Darwin in his On the Origin of Species is also discussed

3. Integrated processing technologies for food and agricultural by-products. / Zhongli Pan. - USA: Elsevier, 2019. - 443 p.

Tóm tắt: Experts from around the world present latest developments, recognizing that while some by-products have found use as animal feed or are combusted for energy, new technologies which integrate conversion of production and processing by-products into higher-value food or nonfood products, nutraceuticals, chemicals, and energy resources will be a critical part of the transition to a more sustainable food system. Organized by agricultural crop, and focusing on those crops with maximum economic impact, each chapter describes technologies for value-added processing of by-products which can be integrated into current food production systems. Integrated Processing Technologies for Food and Agricultural By-Products is a valuable resource for industry professionals, academics, and policy-makers alike

4. Intelligent data mining and fusion systems in agriculture. / Pantazi, Xanthoula-Eirini. - USA: Elsevier, 2020. - 319 p.

Tóm tắt: Presents methods of computational intelligence and data fusion that have applications in agriculture for the non-destructive testing of agricultural products and crop condition monitoring. Sections cover the combination of sensors with artificial intelligence architectures in precision agriculture, including algorithms, bio-inspired hierarchical neural maps, and novelty detection algorithms capable of detecting sudden changes in different conditions. This book offers advanced students and entry-level professionals in agricultural science and engineering, geography and geoinformation science an in-depth overview of the connection between decision-making in agricultural operations and the decision support features offered by advanced computational intelligence algorithms

5. Mineral composition and radioactivity of edible mushrooms. / Kalac, Pavel. - USA:Elsevier, 2019. - 379 p.

Tóm tắt: The book is the definitive reference guide that collects and collates all recent very dispersed data and information on mushroom mineral elements and radioactivity. The book deals with the overall outline of the major and trace mineral elements of many both wild growing and cultivated mushroom species, including chemistry, biochemistry and environmental context, losses of minerals during mushroom preservation and cooking, and nutritional and health implications. This monography also includes a chapter on natural and anthropogenic radionuclides, along with the lessons learned after the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters concerning mushroom radioactivity

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