Thông báo tài liệu mới số 08/2020
12/11/20 04:02PM
Tài liệu ngoại văn trực tuyến
Following are some recent publications of ILRI East and Southeast Asia. To see the full list, please visit our website at
• Dang-Xuan, S., Nguyen-Viet, H., Pham-Duc, P., Unger, F., N. Tran-Thi, Grace, D. and Makita, K. 2018. Risk factors associated with Salmonella spp. prevalence along smallholder pig value chains in Vietnam. International Journal of Food Microbiology 290: 105–115.
• Nguyen-Viet, H., Grace, D., Pham-Duc, P, Dang-Xuan, S., Luu-Quoc, T., Unger, F., Vlieger, S. de, Pham-Thi, N., Duong-Van, N., Nguyen-Hung, L., Tran-Dinh, L. and Tran-Thi Tuyet, H.,2018. Research and training partnership to assist policy and capacity building in improving food safety in Vietnam. Global Food Security 19: 24–30.
• Bui-Nghia, V., Nguyen, T.T., Nguyen-Viet, H., Bui, A.N., McCallion, K.A., Lee, H.S., Than, S.T., Coleman, K.K. and Gray, G.C. 2018. Bioaerosol sampling to detect avian influenza virus in Hanoi’s largest live poultry market. Clinical Infectious Diseases.
• Thakur, M., Fernandes, M., Sathyakumar, S., Ramesh, S.K.S, Vijh, K., J.L, Han., D.D., Wu., and Y.P., Zhang. (2018) Understanding the cryptic introgression and mixed ancestry of Red Junglefowl in India. PLoS ONE, 13(10): e0204351. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204351.
• Z. J., Ma., X. T., Xia., S.M., Chen., X.C., Zhao., L.L., Zeng., Y.L., Xie., S.Y., Chao., J.T., Xu., Y.G., Sun., R. Z., Li., Z.X., Guanque., J.L., Han. and C.Z., Lei. (2018) Identification and diversity of Y‐chromosome haplotypes in Qinghai yak populations. Animal Genetics, 49(6): DOI: