Adopting an integrated project delivery collaboration framework: a case study of a wastewater treatment plant project in Vietnam
18/05/22 08:17AM
Marina L. Viana, Bonaventura H.W. Hadikusumo, Ehsan Saghatforoush, et al.
Integrated project delivery (IPD) is introduced as a new delivery
system that aims to transform and enhance the current delivery systems.
For such an accomplishment, the IPD integrates people, systems, and
business into an integrated platform delivering accurate information and
new technologies in a collaborative team environment. In this sense,
the current research reviews the IPD principles, benefits, and
challenges, and creates a proposed framework that applies a percentage
ratio with mathematical weight calculation to classify and identify the
IPD collaboration level present in a construction project. For the data
validation, a case study is performed, where the information of the
WWWTP project is inserted into the proposed framework. The results
illustrate that the case study scores a total sum of 30% of IPD
collaboration present in the project, where it is classified as having a
low IPD collaboration level. The significance of this study is that it
helps project stakeholders in the construction industry to understand
the important factors that lead to IPD adoption and develop the
principles of IPD. The current study creates an updated and simple
approach framework aiming to support the professional area as well as
allowing a solid basis for future research.
International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 14(1): 89-103, 2022. More information .