Research and Development Prospects for Sugarcane Industry in Vietnam
18/05/22 08:17AM
T. T. Nguyen, Q. T. Hoang, T. T. Nguyen, et al.
Sugarcane is one of the most important industrial crops in Vietnam and
covers a total of 127,000 hectares of plantation area. In the season
2020-2021, Vietnam has produced 0.763 million tons of sugar (accounting
for 0.34% total world sugar production). A current sugarcane production
of 7.498 million tons is being used mainly for sugar production for
direct consumption, ethanol production, bio-electricity and
fertilization. To ensure crop sustainability, various policies and plans
have been implemented. Crop breeding and zoning improvement programme
significantly influence sugarcane production and sugar yield. Over
25 years since the programme "one million ton of sugar" was promoted,
Vietnam currently possesses 25 sugar mills with a total capacity of
110,000 tons of sugarcane per day. Major problems of sugarcane industry
as well as research and development have been discussed in this review.
Recent research and development work focused on the added values of
co-products to ensure sustainability of the sugarcane industry. Molasses
will be used for ethanol production, and bagasse is used as the biomass
for the alternative energy. Sugarcane and sugar would be the main
feedstocks for those bio-economy growths in Vietnam. To keep the
sustainable development of the sugar industry, and to meet the demand of
the food and non-food requirements, it is necessary to upgrade the
sugar value chain through the adoption and the development of
co-products of the sugar industry.