Từ sản xuất nghịch thiên sang thuận thiên – Khung khái niệm và thực hành cho nông nghiệp trên cơ sở nhiệt động lực học=From nature-negative to nature-positive production - A conceptual and practical framework for agriculture based on thermodynamics
15/01/24 08:29AM
Ferri, M. & Arnés García, M. 2023. From nature-negative to nature-positive production – A conceptual and practical framework for agriculture based on thermodynamics. Budapest, FAO. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc7414en

This paper aims to provide more elements to better frame nature-positive production agriculture from a theoretical viewpoint, assess its feasibility and possible limits, and introduce tools for its implementation and monitoring. This paper is divided into three parts. The first consists of a theoretical framework resulting from a search for answers to two questions: "What does nature-positive mean?" and "What features characterize a nature-positive production system?" The second part presents tools for assessing the nature positivity of agroecosystems, and the third chapter touches ground with a list of proposed priority agroecological, nature-based practices that can help increase the nature positivity of agricultural systems.