Forest microbiology, Volume 3: Tree diseases and pests
29/06/22 10:32AM
Fred Asiegbu, Andriy Kovalchuk (ed.). Academic Press, 2022, 516p. Paperback ISBN: 9780443186943

Tree Diseases and Pests, Volume 3 provides an overview of major disease agents of trees including viruses, phytoplasma, bacteria, fungi and nematodes and major insect pests of trees. With a strong emphasis placed on the genetics, biochemistry, physiology, evolutionary biology and population dynamics of the organisms involved, this third volume in the Forest Microbiology series provides complementary information for a comprehensive understanding of the health of forests. Forest trees play crucial roles not only for mitigating effects of the climate change but also for their considerable economic and ecological value. Forest trees are equally vital as an alternative bioenergy source and play important roles in pollution abatement and the maintenance of biodiversity. Timber and its associated products from forest trees contribute substantially to the revenue generation of many countries of the world. There is no doubt that the demand for timber and associated forest products will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. However, major threats to the sustainable supply of forest tree products are adverse climate, pests and diseases. Pests and disease continue to pose a serious threat to the sustainable supply of forest products, despite the extensive efforts to control them.

Today, the need to increase and safeguard those resources of renewable materials and bioenergy as well as to sustain timber quality together with the demand for novel wood bioproducts (including green chemistry) present major challenges for tree health biotechnology and bioeconomy programs. Ecologically, forest trees share overlapping habitat to diverse range of microbes and maintain a dynamic balanced relationships.

This volume incudes coverage of important pest threats including bark beetles, emerald ash borer, coffee borers, leaf cutting ants, cocoa mirids etc .This volume will highlights a range of emerging diseases of forest trees in the temperate and tropic regions as well as parasitic nematodes and novel approaches to manage tree pest and diseases in a changing climate.