Recent Advances in Aquaculture Microbial Technology
25/11/22 09:43AM
Editors: Jyothis Mathew, Midhun Jose, Radhakrishnan E.K, Ajay Kumar. Paperback ISBN: 9780323902618. eBook ISBN: 9780323906661

Recent Advances in Aquaculture Microbial Technology emphasizes various topics on microbiology related technology for aquaculture development and discusses different types of microbiological applications, thus serving as an all-inclusive reference which consolidates microbial technologies adopted in the field. The book covers the history and development of microbial technology in aquaculture as well as aquaculture microbiology, diversity and the role of microbes in aquaculture systems. In addition, it presents the beneficial microbial communities in aquaculture and varying methods employed to study bacterial association in fish, microbes and fish diseases. This resource will help improve research experiments and accomplishments in the area of aqua-culturally relevant microbial technology, making it useful for researchers and scientists in the field.