Sweet potato: chemistry, processing, and nutrition
14/05/21 09:10AM
Tai-HuaMu, Jaspreet Singh. Elsevier, 2019, 404p. ISBN: 9780128136386

The book Sweet Potato: Chemistry, Processing, and Nutrition was compiled based on the research achievements of all the contributors. This book includes 14 chapters.

Chapter 1, Sweet potato: chemistry, processing, and nutrition—an introduction, introduces overall information on sweet potato.

Chapter 2, Sweet potato: origin and production, focuses on the origin and production of sweet potatoes in the world.

Chapter 3, Sweet potato starch, focuses on the structure and physicochemical properties of sweet potato starch, as well as the effects of physical and chemical modifications.

Chapter 4, Sweet potato protein and its hydrolysates, introduces the `recovery and composition, gelation and emulsifying properties of sweet potato protein, as well as the preparation and antioxidant activity of its hydrolysates.

Chapter 5, Sweet potato dietary fiber, introduces the efficient manufacture, and physicochemical and functional properties of sweet potato dietary fiber, as well as the extraction methods, composition, and physicochemical and functional properties of sweet potato pectin affected by ultrasonic modification.

Chapter 6, Sweet potato lipids, introduces the lipid and fatty acid compositions of different varieties of sweet potato, and the antiproliferative effect and cell migration inhibition of sweet potato lipids.

Chapter 7, Sweet potato polyphenols, introduces the main categories, the individual phenolic composition, physiological functions, processing stability, and utilization of polyphenols from sweet potato roots and tops.

Chapter 8, Sweet potato carotenoids, describes the composition, content, analytical method, physiological functions, and retention during processing of carotenoids from sweet potato roots and tops.

Chapter 9, Sweet potato microstructure, starch digestion, and glycemic index, introduces the microstructure and glycemic features of sweet potato.

Chapter 10, Sweet potato staple foods, presents the definition, types, main raw ingredients, and development of sweet potato staple foods.

Chapter 11, Sweet potato snack foods, introduces a series of common sweet potato snacks, including sweet potato chips, roast sweet potatoes, sweet potato biscuits, dried sweet potato slices, sweet potato cakes, doughnuts, extruded sweet potato snacks, and the packaging thereof.

Chapter 12, Sweet potato fermentation food (sweet potato shochu), introduces the sweet potato shochu manufacturing methods and the factors affecting shochu aroma, and briefly discusses its potential health benefits.

Chapter 13, Quality evaluation of sweet potato products, describes Japanese sweet potato varieties for food and their chemical properties on the sweetness and texture of steamed storage roots.

Chapter 14, Global market trends, challenges, and the future of the sweet potato processing industry, introduces the global market trends, challenges, and future of the sweet potato processing industry.

The purpose of this book is to provide a reference and guidance for the chemistry, processing, and nutrition of the sweet potato, and to provide basic information for scientific innovations in the sweet potato industry.